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Walgreens Stores
397 Number of scheduled stores as of 6/26
10 Number of scheduled stores with no-show partners
6 Number of stores added after 6/26
393 Adjusted number of participating stores


Geographic Reach
246 Number of cities with participating stores
37 Number of states, plus DC, with participating stores
22 Number of Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) in Top 25 by Highest Rate of Diagnoses (CDC, 2017) with participating stores
42 Number of priority counties identified in Federal Ending the HIV Epidemic Plan (of 48 total) with participating stores, plus DC
7 Number of priority states identified in Federal Ending the HIV Epidemic Plan (of 7 total) with participating stores


Testing Partners1
212 Number of ASOs/CBO partners
44 Number of health departments partners2


HIV Tests
8,777 Number of HIV tests
22.3 Average number of HIV tests per store
68 Number of positive HIV test results
0.8% Percent positive HIV tests

1 Many partners provided testing at multiple stores. Some partners coordinated on individual stores.
2 Reflects only health departments (HDs) providing or coordinating testing; additional HDs provided promotional support.

Click here for more information on the 2019 Greater Than HIV/Walgreens National HIV Testing Day Community Partnership.