Dr Demetre: As a gay man, is there some sort of regular check-up I should be getting, like a gay physical?
Dr. David: I’m a doctor.
Dr. Demetre: I’m Doctor Demetre
Dr. David: And I’m Dr. David. Dr.
Demetre: We’re HIV doctors.
Dr. David: And we’re here to answer your questions on HIV and sexual health.
Dr. Demetre: Yes, absolutely. And the first step is telling your doctor that you’re gay or you have sex with men. Because that changes the entire story of what happens. You need to be tested for HIV, at least a couple times a year, if not more. You need to be screened for sexually transmitted infections, and that doesn’t just mean peeing in a cup, it means getting your butt swabbed and your throat swabbed because so many infections are missed. There could be anal warts and there could even be anal cancers so it’s really important that you get examined, and that that exam does include your sexual organs and that includes your mouth, your penis, your testicles, and your rectum.
Headed to the doctor? Dr. Demetre reviews what every gay man should get during a regular check-up.
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