Interested in providing FREE in-store rapid HIV testing at Walgreens on Friday, June 27th? Read on for more information about partner requirements and what you can expect from Greater Than HIV and Walgreens.
Here’s what is required to be an eligible community testing partner:
- Confirm your agency is certified to provide rapid (point-of-care) HIV testing, and if applicable, HCV and / or syphilis testing.
- Commit to providing FREE rapid testing at a local Walgreens store* on Friday, June 27, 2025 (specific testing hours TBD). (*We do our best to match organizations with their preferred locations, though not all Walgreens are able to participate.)
- Provide a copy of your organization’s Certificate of Insurance (COI) to Walgreens.
- Sign electronic Limited Use License Agreement(s) (LULAs) with Walgreens.
- Have a minimum of 2 staff members at your Walgreens store during testing hours (TBD), and if possible, additional staff members or volunteers assisting with outreach and engagement at the store and surrounding area.
- Supply HIV / other authorized STD rapid point-of-care tests. A minimum of 25 tests is suggested. (Partners may request donated tests for the activation from Greater Than HIV.) Please note: Confirmatory testing via blood draw (venipuncture) is NOT permitted on-site. If your organization requires confirmatory testing via blood draw, individuals must be referred to your clinic or office location.
- Provide pre / post-test counseling, linkage to care and confirmatory test services as needed. Partners are also encouraged to share information about prevention tools, including PrEP.
- Promote your testing event through your website, social media, and community outreach.
- Report outcomes to Greater Than HIV following the event, including numbers of tests conducted and positivity rate, PrEP and linkage to care referrals and general feedback about your experience.
And here’s what you can expect from Greater Than HIV and Walgreens:
- Dedicated space at local Walgreens store(s)* for tabling; private room or space for mobile unit to conduct tests and provide results. (*We do our best to match organizations with their preferred locations, though not all Walgreens are able to participate.)
- Community toolkit, including banners, posters and informational materials for tabling, T-shirts for testers and other items to support your outreach and on-site set up.
- Pre-event promotions, including in-store advertising, digital marketing, press outreach, and social media.
- Webinars leading up to the event led by Greater Than HIV and Walgreens to help you prepare.
- Greater Than HIV website listing your participating location in a searchable map.
- The opportunity to request donated tests* for your event. (*A limited number of donated tests are made available from event organizers, but cannot be guaranteed; we do our best to provide to organizations with the greatest need.)
- The opportunity to provide testing at Walgreens stores on an ongoing basis.
If you have questions, please email