What About Condoms?
Get the facts on condoms, including selecting a condom, tips for using them and more.
Get the facts on condoms, including selecting a condom, tips for using them and more.
In this video, Dr. Charlene Flash covers how condoms and PrEP can work together to protect against HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). PrEP only protects against HIV. Condoms provide protection against other STDs, in particular gonorrhea and chlamydia.
Real-life stories about how PrEP – the pill or long acting injectable to prevent HIV – is helping people take charge of their health. Watch. Get informed. Share.
What is the difference between HIV and AIDS? What are the symptoms of HIV? How is HIV spread (and how is it NOT)? Learn more about HIV basics!
What's the difference between HIV and AIDS? What are the symptoms of HIV? #AskTheHIVDoc has all the answers to these questions and more!
Whether living with HIV or not, we all have a role to play. Get informed. Talk with the people in your life. And be empowered to get the care and support you deserve. Together, we are Greater Than HIV.
Use this location-based tool to search for HIV testing and treatment services, PrEP and other service providers near you!
Los condones son una forma fácilmente accesible y altamente efectiva para prevenir la transmisión sexual del VIH y otras enfermedades de transmisión sexual.