I’m a linkage coordinator. I really love it. I love going out into the community.
Once they tell me that they’re newly diagnosed, I educate them on what HIV is and how it’s important to actually take your medication. I also go deeper in asking them how they feel. Do you feel like you have the support?
I want people to know that being HIV positive, you’re not alone. You have services that can help you stay healthy and give you that self-love of knowing that you’re ok.
There’s so many services out for you and you don’t even know. The only way that you’ll know is if you go to a clinic and actually tell them. Don’t be afraid to say anything. If you’re homeless, they have services where they can find you housing, help you with rent. We also have mental health, for if you need therapists. It really helped, it really helped a lot to know that we have these services.
Just don’t be afraid to ask for it.
To find services near you, go to greaterthan.org.
“I want people to know that being HIV positive, you are not alone. There are services that can help you stay healthy and get the support you need.”
Let’s Talk About HIV Treatment!
Antiretrovirals, the medications used to treat HIV, keep you healthy and prevent the spread of HIV to others.
Even if you do not have insurance, or are underinsured, there are options to get the care and medications you need to stay healthy.
The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Care Program offers support services for people with HIV, including mental health care, housing assistance, and more.
The AIDS Drug Assistance Program to help individuals with financial need get their HIV medications.
Click here to find out more about the health and preventative benefits of HIV treatment.