I was nervous. I was afraid of what the test results was going to be. She called me back in. And she was like, do you know anything about HIV? That’s when she said, your test has came back reactive. You’re HIV positive.
I just like, stood still. You’re trying to be proactive to actually ask questions, but at that time it was just like, I really just mentally shut down.
For two months I didn’t take medication, which caused me to get sicker.
I talked with someone, actually a nurse, and told her I just want to give up. I said it’s no point. I know what’s going to happen, I know if people find out this is what’s going to go down.
And she had told me you have more to live for. That conversation that we had, to just tell me that I had a purpose and to never give up and don’t let my head stay down too long, it helped me to actually say ok, I’m going to listen to her. I’m not going to miss no more pills.
It’s been four years. I am healthy. I am virally suppressed. Some people don’t know what virally suppressed means. I always let them know that it’s they’re still in your blood. But it’s also saying that you cannot transmit it to anyone.
HIV treatment works. It gives you a peace of mind, but it only works if you take your medication.
It’s very important to have that regular routine, just basically knowing, either waking up taking it, or before you’re going to sleep.
I’m doing what I need to do to actually succeed in keeping that virus suppressed.
I’m in a good space of loving myself, knowing that this medication is working and I’m great with it.
For more information about HIV care and treatment, go to treat.greaterthan.org.
“At first I was missing doses because I was still in that mindset of ‘I can’t believe I’m HIV positive.’ I’ve built myself up. I’m now doing what I need to do to succeed in keeping the virus suppressed and making sure my CD4 count is higher than ever”.
Let’s Talk About HIV Treatment!
Antiretrovirals, the medications used to treat HIV, keep you healthy and prevent the spread of HIV to others.
Even if you do not have insurance, or are underinsured, there are options to get the care and medications you need to stay healthy.
The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Care Program offers support services for people with HIV, including mental health care, housing assistance, and more.
The AIDS Drug Assistance Program to help individuals with financial need get their HIV medications.
Click here to find out more about the health and preventative benefits of HIV treatment.