Hi my name is Ana and I’m married with two kids and I’m from Texas. About six years ago, after my daughter was born, I got tested for HIV at a clinic. I decided to go get tested because I just felt that it was my responsibility and up to me to take care of myself and to get tested. I went to the clinic and that’s how i found out I was HIV positive. It was very devastating because I was only 26 at the time. And I didn’t know what to do with myself. I think everybody has that moment where you react and you lash out and you ask God, “Why me?” My deciding moment was feeling inside of this rush of empowerment, that I was going to be here. I can do this. I can be there for my kids. I can see them grow up. Being able to teach them a valuable lesson which is love yourself and take care of yourself and protect yourself at all times. Everything that I’ve ever wanted to do, I would still be able to do, only I would take medication for the rest of my life. I am strong. HIV and AIDS can’t be cured but you can live and be happy. I’m Ana and this is my deciding moment. Share your deciding moment at greaterthan.org
Ana found out that she had HIV when she was 26 years-old, just after the birth of daughter. She was devastated. Ana’s Deciding Moment was when she felt a rush of empowerment and she knew that she was going to be there for her kids. She was going to be able to do everything that she had wanted to do before, but now she will just need to take medicine. She realized that HIV was not going to hold her back from being the mom and woman that she set out to be.
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