I’m Dr. Flash. I’m your HIV Doc. I love my job. I’m a physician scientist. I started and run one of the oldest prevention programs in the country. I’m here to answer your questions. So often, patients wait for the doctor to do things. If you want to make sure that you’ve been tested ask for the test. You do your part and I do my part. I’m going to walk with you, don’t be scared. PrEP is a game changer. For the first time you have something that is completely woman-controlled. And that is empowering. Our goal then is to drive that viral load down as low as we can. When it is as low as it can get, that’s called undetectable. People 20 years ago would say I was crazy to say, “I want to end AIDS,” but that time is here.
Meet Dr. Charlene Flash! She’s part of the #AskTheHIVDoc team of docs who answer YOUR questions about HIV.
Charlene Flash, MD, MPH is a PrEP expert and is currently the President and CEO of Avenue 360 Health and Wellness in Houston, TX, and an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Disease at Baylor College of Medicine. She provides primary care to a large panel of patients living with HIV at Thomas Street Health Center, one of the oldest and largest free-standing HIV clinics in the United States.
“Twenty years ago, people would say I was crazy to say, ‘I want to end AIDS.’ But that time is here.” – Dr. Charlene Flash